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Why It's Great To Be An Adult Cat

I used to be kitten straight from the womb, but I'm a mature 9 year old man cat now. Being a kitten is great with many perks, but I love being an adult cat!

1. I can go potty whenever I want.

During kitten school, we had to raise our paw and ask if we could use the litterbox, this led to many accidents. I was hooked on the milk, so I often had a full bladder. Now as a grown man, no one controls my bladder but me!

2. I can take as many or few naps as I want.

My teachers and mom always made us kittens take naps at the same time everyday even if I wasn't tired. I now nap as I please. Some days I will nap for only 8 hours and others I will do it all day.

3. I can eat whatever I want.

As a kitten, I was always told I needed to eat shrimp to grow hair on my chest. I hate shrimp, but I was not allowed to leave the mat until I finished my bowl. Now I never eat shrimp! I can eat all the chicken nuggets I want and no one will stop me!

4. I can be president.

You have to be at least 4 years of age to run for president, and I have been running each time. I feel like 2016 might be my year!

Those are just a few reasons I love being an adult cat! These are also great reasons why humans should consider adopting an adult cat when they are searching for their new family member. Kittens are adorable, and we are too! Please don't overlook the older kitty; they need homes too.


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