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My Favorite Animals

Hello, it's the human! Butters is currently taking a nap, so I jumped on. I have always loved animals and insects, so I wanted to make a list of my favorite animals. For this list I'm going to exclude domestic dogs and cats just because we all love them for obvious reasons.


I adore koalas because they got a stubby body and that big nose. Koalas are marsupials from Australia. Like cats, they sleep up to 20 hours a day due to their diet of eucalyptus leaves. They are known to smell a bit like cough drops because of all the oils from the eucalyptus. Sadly they often fall victim to dog attacks and being hit by cars therefore they are listed as vulnerable.


I find cheetahs to be absolutely beautiful with their lean build and amber eyes. They hunt mainly during the day using their sight instead of scent and run up to 70 mph then trip their prey. Cheetahs don't need to drink because they get their hydration from the meat of their prey. They are often paired up with domestic dogs in zoos throughout the country like San Diego Zoo and Busch Gardens in Tampa.


I like moose because they are like me and are awkward with a love for salt. During winters, they can be seen on roads licking the salt which leads to many vehicle accidents. They are the largest species of the deer family weighing as much as 1,200 pounds. The antlers alone weigh about 40 pounds!


This may be an unfamiliar animal to some, but the second I saw it on a nature program, I was in love. The aye-aye is a lemur that has rodent like teeth and a long thing middle finger. It finds food by tapping trees to find insects, chews a hole into the tree and then pokes it's long finger in the hole to bring out the insects. They are known to not be afraid of humans and will walk right up to someone and sniff them. Because they are "creepy" looking, people will often kill them on sight because they are seen as bad omens. The aye-aye are endangered due to the ignorance of people being afraid of something they don't understand. I find it's odd looks and characteristics fascinating, but I'm not a buttmunch.

Looks like Butters has woken up; I better log off before he poops in my shoe!

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