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Happy Tuesday, or should I say Toesday? See what I did there? I know, I know, I'm hilarious! As you can see, I have perfect feets.

Today I wanted to talk about cat feet! I researched and found a few fun facts!

1. Like humans, cats have a dominate front paw. Male cats are usually right pawed and females are left pawed. Of course this is individual, so watch your kitty and see what paw they favor.

2. We mark our territory with our paws. I'm sure many of you know that we scratch things leave our scent. There are pheromones that are secreted from scent glands that are between our pads.

3. Each paw is different like human fingerprints! If you look at a paw, you will see little grooves. Apparently cat paw reading, like palm reading is a thing. People that do these readings are said you can tell the personality of a cat based on the lines.

4. We are digitgrade or simply, we walk on our tiptoes. This is how we are so stealthy!

5. Our paws match our fur patterns. Black cats have black feet, tabbies have brown, gingers have pink, etc.

Did you learn anything new? I did! Who knew we have paw prints?! That must be how the cops keep catching on to my timeshare consultations.

Humans call our toes jelly beans, but last time I checked, they don't taste like a jelly bean or bubblegum which human says mine look like. They taste like floor which I think is just as nommy nommy as jelly beans or bubblegum.


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